innovative learning; innovative technologies; applicants for higher education; digital competence profile; educational cultureAbstract
The purpose of this study was to identify the most used, popular innovative technologies, best pedagogical practices; comparison with the experience of EU universities and the creation of recommendations that will enable Ukrainian partners in the future to prepare applicants for higher education competitive in the labor market. This study was conducted to implement one of the goals of the project - effective cooperation between the pedagogical sector of higher education in Ukraine and the EU, school teachers and their associations. The Ukrainian participants of the project faced the task: to formulate an understanding of the necessary aspects for creating a profile of student competence in new disciplines, to build profiles of digital competence of teachers and lecturers based on the exchange of knowledge gained from EU partners. As part of the project tasks, an analysis of the level of educational programs and best pedagogical practices, issues of community importance, exchange of pedagogical experience between university teachers and university departments, technological features of university leadership support for teachers' innovation, student involvement in research and project activities, use of technical means by teachers of Ukrainian universities - project partners, current assessment systems and priority areas of educational culture.
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