digital competence, corporate standard, adaptive system, level of digital competenceAbstract
The Corporate Standard for University Lecturer’s Digital Competence was created to increase the level of digital competence, which is recognized as one of the key competencies of a successful person of the XXI century, to improve the quality of the learning and teaching, the educational process. The areas of digital competences’ application at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University are the main activities of lecturers, such as: educational activities, scientific research, professional communication and cooperation; digital self-management. The corporate standard defines five levels of digital competence: Analyst-Researcher (A), which is mandatory; Integrator (B1); Expert (B2) - sufficient level; Leader (C1); Innovator (C2) - high level. The descriptors of the Corporate Standard presented in the article detail the skills of university lecturers in accordance with the levels of digital competence and areas of its application. The level of digital competence of the lecturer is determined in the university e-learning system as a result of passing an adaptive practice-oriented test, they study multilevel mini-courses step by step with the ability to build a personal trajectory of professional development and marking in the personal office to achieve the appropriate level. Increasing the level of digital competence will contribute to professional, expert growth in general. Due to the implementation of the Corporate Standard for University Lecturer’s Digital Competence, lecturers will be more effective in using the opportunities and resources of the information and educational environment of the university, educational services will be provided to higher education students at a higher level, including in conditions of limited access to classrooms and when using blended and distance learning.
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