innovative class; design of innovative class; STEM / STEAM / STREAM; formative assessment; project activity; research and cognitive learning; ICR classAbstract
The prepared report on the MoPED project contains information on methodological and technical design of the innovative class. The modern educational challenges and trends are analyzed, the changes that take place in modern education are highlighted, in particular the peculiarities of the organization of modern education in comparison with the traditional one. Different approaches to determining the list of skills of the XXI century, which should be formed in the process of modern learning. The concepts and features of STEM / STEAM / STREAM approaches in comparison with traditional teaching are described and their advantages are defined, psychological and pedagogical features of modern pupils which need to be considered at designing of use of innovative methods and means of training are considered. The modern principles of assessment are covered, the peculiarities of formative assessment are given, the ways of organization of joint educational activity of students, problem-based learning and project activity are offered. Relevant innovative pedagogical technologies of teaching and their features are determined. The concept of blended learning and models of its implementation, as well as the method of research and cognitive learning (Inquiry Based Learning - IBL) are considered. The main characteristics of the ICR class are presented and recommendations for different organization of rotation stations in the educational process are given. The report presents the results of a study conducted by the authors on the use of digital tools in the innovation classroom.
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