training, educational environment, evaluation, development, digital technologyAbstract
The article systematized regulatory documents that characterize the need for transformation processes in education, which include updating the knowledge system and the need for adapting the teacher of higher education institutions to changes in interpersonal interaction with the use of digital technologies. The notions of "digital environment", "digital technologies", "digitalization" are disclosed. It was clarified that there was no single approach to the definition of "digital technologies" in scientific circles and national legislative documents. The peculiarities of the digital technologies implementation created by the local network of higher educational institutions through the module of administration and adjustment of the users rights, which ensures the implementation of participants activities in the educational process without territorial, geographical, time constraints, are described. The essential characteristics of educational tasks and digital technologies used for their representation are described that allows a teacher to create conditions for active student learning activities in the educational electronic environment. Possibilities of updating forms of interpersonal interaction in the context of educational tasks are generalized. The digital technologies providing feedback are characterized, in particular, through the final and formative assessment. There are three criteria for selection of digital means and technologies: provision of interactive information interaction in the learning process; adaptation to the individual characteristics of students; possibility of synchronous or asynchronous interaction of an educational activity participants. The effectiveness of using digital technologies in the educational process of the higher institution education has been revealed according to the survey of students and teachers. It is revealed that the efficiency of digital technologies' use depends and is determined by a higher educational institution teacher’s readiness for this process
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