


generative artificial intelligence, AI, automation of educational tasks, vocational education and training institutions, VETIs, individualized learning, distance learning, educational materials


The article is dedicated to an in-depth examination of the current debate surrounding the utilisation of generative artificial intelligence (AI) for the automation of tasks typically performed by educators in vocational education and training institutions (VETIs). The authors elucidate the fundamental principles of "generative AI," demonstrating its capacity to autonomously generate novel data, including text, images, and audio, through the use of pre-trained models. This enables the automation of a wide range of tasks, particularly in the field of education. The article provides a comprehensive examination of the potential applications of generative AI in enhancing the efficiency and productivity of VET teachers. 

The authors underscore that the deployment of such solutions based on generative AI will enable educators to prioritize the creative, communicative, and mentoring aspects of the educational process by delegating routine tasks to intelligent systems. Furthermore, the article addresses the ethical implications of employing generative AI in an educational context. The authors underscore the necessity for educators to adhere to pertinent ethical principles, including transparency, fairness, confidentiality, and data security. Additionally, they examine the potential risks associated with the utilisation of this technology. In particular, they discuss the challenges of ensuring the reliability, authenticity, and relevance of the generated data; copyright protection; and the prevention of discrimination. 

The study is of significant theoretical and practical importance. The theoretical contribution is to familiarize readers with the possibilities of using generative AI in education, with a particular focus on its potential applications in vocational education and training (VET). In practical terms, the results of the study can be utilized to develop targeted solutions based on generative AI with the objective of automating teachers' routine tasks and enhancing the efficiency of the educational process. The article will be of interest to a diverse range of professionals, including educators, educational institution leaders, developers of educational technologies, and anyone with an interest in the impact of AI on vocational education and training.


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Abstract views: 27



How to Cite

Shevchenko, L., Umanets, V., & Rozputnia, B. (2024). APPLYING GENERATIVE AI TO AUTOMATE TEACHER TASKS IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, (17), 160–170.


