



Microsoft Teams; instrumental support; synchronous interaction; distance learning; hybrid learning


After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 and the beginning of the war in the country, educational institutions switched to online learning using tools for organizing and holding video conferences, ensuring synchronous and asynchronous interaction of participants in the educational process. This article offers definitions of advantages (organization of various types of educational activities online; organization of effective collaboration; provision of access to various types of educational content; organization of reflection and estimation) and disadvantages (unstable work and dependence on Internet access; inconvenience of use on mobile devices; the need for skills in using the tool) using Microsoft Teams for synchronous interaction during distance and hybrid learning. The authors developed criteria and indicators for evaluating Microsoft Teams as a tool for synchronous interaction in modern conditions, such as functionality, reliability, effectiveness, interaction, accessibility, security and privacy, technical support and assistance. An example of a scheme of synchronous interaction when organizing an educational activity using Microsoft Teams is given, namely: creating a meeting room, inviting students to an online class, creating a meeting class (lecture, laboratory work, discussion, class recording), uploading various types of educational content, placing an announcement or a post, assignment assessment, or test. 17 scientific and pedagogical workers who have practical experience of using Microsoft Teams as a tool of synchronous interaction during distance and hybrid studies were involved for expert evaluation according to the specified criteria and indicators. The provided assessment of the capabilities of Microsoft Teams for synchronous interaction shows that the most significant indicators are the presence of a function for organizing and supporting synchronous interaction between participants in the educational process (0.09); the ability to interact with video and audio content to improve understanding and assimilation of educational material in real time (0.08); availability of tools for setting up interaction and collaboration in synchronous mode (interactive whiteboard, screen sharing, various types of documents) (0.08).


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Author Biographies

Olena Glazunova, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, dean of faculty of information technologies

Valentyna Korolchuk, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

associate professor of department of Information Systems and Technologies

Tetiana Voloshyna , National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

associate professor of department of Information Systems and Technologies

Taisiia Saiapina, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

associate professor of Department of Information Systems and Technologies



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How to Cite

Glazunova, O. ., Korolchuk, V., Voloshyna , T. ., & Saiapina, T. (2023). EVALUATION OF MICROSOFT TEAMS AS A TOOL FOR SYNCHRONOUS INTERACTION DURING DISTANCE AND HYBRID LEARNING. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, (14), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.28925/2414-0325.2023.141




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