Higher education; specialist; vocational training; ICT; STEAMAbstract
During the writing of the article, we analyzed the domestic and foreign experience in implementing STEAM approaches in the educational process of educational institutions. The article considers the issues of modern STEAM strategy - education, which is successfully developing in our time, which is the result of the integration of science and art, as a result of which scientific technologies are born. Some historical and pedagogical aspects of this problem are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the five components of STEAM-education: S - science (natural sciences), T - technology (technology), E - engineering (engineering art), A - art (creativity) and M - mathematics (mathematics) and emphasis on the importance of the artistic component in the interdisciplinary formation of a holistic personality. The results of separate researches of domestic and foreign scientists are covered. Approaches to the implementation of such educational standards in the United States and Austria, other EU countries are analyzed. It is determined that for pedagogical representatives, in particular, future teachers of art disciplines, the introduction of STEAM helps to increase their own level of professionalism, improve the quality of the educational process, reduce preparation time, allows to make a radically new job. Artistic and creative activity is an important indicator of the formation of the creative personality of the student, a special role in relation to artistic activity is played by the development of artistic perception when acquainted with works of painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts. This acquaintance can take various forms, including the use of modern information technology and STEAM-approaches. We concluded that a comprehensive understanding of scientific problems, creative and engineering approach to their solution, critical thinking, the ability to process data representing figurative and symbolic objects; the ability to analyze several data streams simultaneously, the integrated application of scientific and artistic methods of cognition contributes to the development of all important competencies of future professionals.
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