remote interaction; certification training; online learning; development; digital technologiesAbstract
Updating the ways of interaction between the subjects of educational space, changing the formats of professional activity of a specialist requires a search for improvement of educational practices aimed at developing the digital competence of academic staff in postgraduate pedagogical education. The main challenges in distance educational interaction implementation at advanced training courses in an institution of postgraduate pedagogical education under the conditions of quarantine restrictions are investigated in the article. The approaches offered in the article implement educational communication using the possibilities of digital technologies in postgraduate pedagogical education. The advantages and limitations of distant interaction in the process of teaching adults are highlighted. The means of remote interaction organization in the process of professional development of teachers are systematized. The peculiarities of modern educational environment design in the institution of postgraduate pedagogical education are highlighted, which allows to create and implement a set of educational strategies aimed at implementing remote educational interaction. The definitions of the notions «distance learning», «online learning» are considered and the models of teachers professional development organization on the platform of distance learning of Communal institution «Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education» of Zhytomyr Regional Council are characterized. The results of the research survey of teaching staff and teachers of advanced training prove that the use of learning environment, system of practical training courses requires adaptation of content, forms and means of teaching to the requirements of social demand, changes in the work of academic staff of postgraduate pedagogical education and improving the digital competence of subject teachers.
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