augmented reality; AR-platform; 3D model; educational process; mobile app; free softwareAbstract
Networks that allow digital devices to connect and transmit data are covering the world fast. Thanks to the networks, it is possible to connect all mobile devices, electronic sensors, electronic measuring devices, medical devices and sensors. They track, share, evaluate, and in some cases automatically adjust the data that is collected and transmitted.
The concept of "Internet of Things" is complex and has several levels: end devices (sensors, actuators), transport layer (telecommunications environment, including wired and wireless networks) and the level of data processing (collection, storage and processing). The market environment creates requirements for young professionals, and competition between higher education institutions and vocational education institutions provides an opportunity to train a highly qualified specialist who can study and create modern hardware and software for smart electronic devices and systems that are nodes of the Internet of Things network. The article deals with issues related to the peculiarities of creating simple devices within the concept of the Internet of Things based on the popular Wi-Fi module ESP8266 and the introduction of this research into the educational process. The technical possibilities, features of connection and interaction of the ESP8266 module for meteorological monitoring are revealed. The organization of the module's access to the Internet, data sending and their monitoring using the popular mobile applications Blynk, Virtuino and the cloud IoT service ThingSpeak is shown. Their work in non-commercial tasks and ease of use for educational institutions are analyzed. The article provides the source codes of programs for the Wi-Fi module ESP8266 with a digital sensor BME280.
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