adaptive learning system, traditional learning system, education, pedagogy, psychology, methods of adaptive learning systemAbstract
The work focuses on the basic principles of developing an adaptive learning system. The modern concept of open education assumes multilevel character of training, and also possibility of a choice of means, a place and time of training corresponding to its inquiries by trainees . This implies the availability of alternative teaching aids (courses) and application software for their creation, support of training and adaptation to a particular student. A significant challenge is to reduce the cost of developing e-learning courses and to increase their use in online learning. In addition, despite the availability of automated tools to simplify the development of pedagogical rules, it is impossible to generate rules suitable for any situation. These reasons have led to the search for a solution to the problem of developing e-learning courses that implement adaptive learning. The principles laid down in the concept of designing such a system are formulated. The structure of the system, including the model of the subject area (educational content), the model of the user, the model of adaptation and the model of evaluation of learning outcomes are presented. Within the framework of the proposed system, it has been developed and is at the testing stage. It is justified that the successful use of such a system by students contributes to the formation of their specific competences. In the adaptive system the roles of a teacher and a trainee are changing: a teacher is an organizer of the initial activities, and the responsibility for the results is shared with students. In this system, the democratic management style, not authoritarian one, is taken into account. A student is a performer of educational process and not a passive recipient of information (an object of the process). With the help of a teacher they acquire knowledge, actively involve into thinking process and plan own educational and cognitive activity. The central place in the adaptive learning system is occupied by a student with their individual features: biological potential and abilities, specifics of the organization of the cognitive process, the level of activity and independence in practical and cognitive activity, as well as efficiency, etc. The result of this system is a qualitative change in their individual features. Active independency of a student in the process of cognitive activities promote the development of individual qualities, the formation of intellectual and spiritual growth, as well as self-knowledge of a learner’s personality. This is the way the system is adapted to the formulation of competence of individual self-improvement.
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