
  • Rafael Martin Espada University of Extremadura
  • Juan Arias Masa University Centre, University of Extremadura, in Merida
  • Sixto Cubo Delgado Education Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Badajoz
  • Gemma Delicado Puerto Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Caceres
  • Prudencia Gutierrez Esteban Education Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Badajoz
  • Laura Alonso-Díaz Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Caceres
  • Rocio Yuste Tosina Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Caceres

Ключові слова:

digital storytelling, education, science network, digital stories, complex concepts relationships


In recent years the concept of digital narrative or Digital Storytelling has become one of the most effective techniques for educational systems. This, although being a classic theme, has recently been revitalized with the ease of making digital stories with current technologies, mainly by the profusion of tools accessible on the Internet under the Cloud Computing paradigm and the high integration of them, for their design, creation, publication and other actions that these well-known new technologies allow and, even more important, the communicative power that the multimedia elements provide to a classic story. Although there have been several and important efforts to structure the production of digital stories, analyzing the key points that the digital multimedia formats provide to the narrative and focusing on those emotional aspects or the research and synthesis skills that students develop, there are not any concrete systematized experience on how to use Digital Storytelling in classrooms to develop and teach specific topics in classrooms. And if they exist, a coherent and homogenous  measurement method for assessing the specific contribution to student skills development  is  missing  as  digital stories are supposed to do. This research project aimed to explore the use of Digital Storytelling with in educational environments, designing and implementing digital stories about a specific topic concerning the Information Security subject, taught in the 3rd year Degree in Telecommunication and Computer Science Engineering, developing an assessment of the map of knowledge that the students owns about the selected topic before, during and after creating their digital stories. To do so, we have used qualitative data analysis techniques and Pathfinder networks to measure the similarity grade o distance between technical concepts, previously graded by the students in a continuous scale. Thus, the  project  is  aimed  to provide a way of measuring one of the skills likely developed by Digital Storytelling, according to the opinion of a great number of experts.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.28925/2414-0325.2017.3.k642


Дані завантаження ще не доступні.

Біографії авторів

Rafael Martin Espada, University of Extremadura

Director General of Telecommunications and Information Society Board

Juan Arias Masa, University Centre, University of Extremadura, in Merida

PhD Professor in the Telematic Engineering Department

Sixto Cubo Delgado, Education Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Badajoz

PhD Professor in the Education Studies Department

Gemma Delicado Puerto, Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Caceres

PhD Professor in the English Department

Prudencia Gutierrez Esteban, Education Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Badajoz

PhD Professor in the Education Studies Department

Laura Alonso-Díaz, Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Caceres

PhD Professor in the Education Studies Department

Rocio Yuste Tosina, Teacher Training Faculty of the University of Extremadura in Caceres

PhD Professor in the Education Studies Department


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Переглядів анотації: 821



Як цитувати

Espada, R. M., Masa, J. A., Delgado, S. C., Puerto, G. D., Esteban, P. G., Alonso-Díaz, L., & Tosina, R. Y. (2017). A WAY TO MEASURE COMPLEX CONCEPTS RELATIONSHIPS WHEN USING DIGITAL STORYTELLING. Електронне наукове фахове видання “ВІДКРИТЕ ОСВІТНЄ Е-СЕРЕДОВИЩЕ СУЧАСНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ”, (3), 36–42. вилучено із https://openedu.kubg.edu.ua/journal/index.php/openedu/article/view/67



Open educational e-environment of modern university

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