
  • Laura Alonso-Díaz University of Extremadura in Caceres
  • Rocío Yuste Tosina University of Extremadura in Caceres
  • Gemma Delicado Puerto University of Extremadura in Caceres
  • Sixto Cubo Delgado University of Extremadura in Badajoz
  • Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban University of Extremadura in Badajoz
  • Juan Arias Masa University of Extremadura in Mérida



Ключові слова:

e-learning, e-assessment, assessment, videoconferencing, higher education, teaching method innovations, synchronous environments, qualitative research


An assessment system for e-learning methods is analyzed in this study. The system proposed used videoconference to assess students. The model tested has been used in three different countries. Teachers, students and external evaluators were involved in the process. Using a qualitative methodology, interviews, focus groups and questionnaires were used. The results confirm that a viable, efficient and innovative educational model have been developed for higher distance education. Also, videoconference and Synchronous Virtual Classrooms have proved to be efficient tools to evaluate the e-assessment method in virtual learning spaces.



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Біографії авторів

Laura Alonso-Díaz, University of Extremadura in Caceres

PhD Professor in the Education Studies Department

Rocío Yuste Tosina, University of Extremadura in Caceres

PhD Professor in the Education Studies Department

Gemma Delicado Puerto, University of Extremadura in Caceres

PhD Professor in the English Department

Sixto Cubo Delgado, University of Extremadura in Badajoz

PhD Professor in the Education Studies Department

Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban, University of Extremadura in Badajoz

PhD Professor in the Education Studies Department

Juan Arias Masa, University of Extremadura in Mérida

PhD Professor in the Telematic Engineering Department


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Переглядів анотації: 727



Як цитувати

Alonso-Díaz, L., Tosina, R. Y., Puerto, G. D., Delgado, S. C., Esteban, P. G., & Masa, J. A. (2016). A MODEL TO ASSESS ONLINE LEARNING: ANALYSIS AND PROPOSAL. Електронне наукове фахове видання “ВІДКРИТЕ ОСВІТНЄ Е-СЕРЕДОВИЩЕ СУЧАСНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ”, (2), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.28925/2414-0325.2016.2.m15




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