e-learning, replaced university, service support, ITIL, AgileAbstract
The experience of replaced universities in Ukraine have showed the need for service support of e-learning. The article deals with the organization of service support of e-learning at the university. It is shown that except technical support should provide methodological, adaptive and psychological support. Two technologies ITIL and Agile has been analyzed. It is offered possibilities for implementation these technologies in practice of universities. Three levels of service support have been defined. There are the level of educational content, the level of e-learning and the level of support. The portfolio of services for support e-learning in the university has been formed.
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Прізюк О. М., Котеленець К.М. Досвід роботи служби підтримки як один із засобів забезпечення якості дистанційного навчання в університеті. Вісн. ЛНУ імені Тараса Шевченка. 2016. № 3. С. 38 – 46.
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