geometric cross-sections properties; software; calculation methodAbstract
None of the calculations for machine parts, structure elements and constructions for strength, rigidity and stability can be performed without using the geometric cross-section characteristics. These include: cross-sectional area, axial, centrifugal and polar moments of inertia, radius of gyration, axial and polar resistance moments of cross-section, etc. The article discusses the problem of technical specialties students` training quality improvement with information technologies aids. There is a review and proposed methodology of usage the software for calculating the geometric cross-sections properties. There are two groups of software: 1) software developed by teachers of higher educational institutions to use in the educational process; 2) industrial software for design engineers, which can also be used during the educational process. Using as an example the calculation of the geometric cross-sections properties of a complex section formed from several rolled profiles, it is demonstrated that the usage of programs "Geom 2006", "Compass 3D", "Consul" and "Constructor of sections" has the following advantages: decrease the costs of effort and time for routine mathematical calculations, makes it easier to find and correct errors made by manual calculations during individual study, which has a positive effect on the learning process; the implementation of calculation and graphic tasks using computer software significantly increases the interest of students for the discipline that is being studied and contributes to the better consolidation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills; students acquire skills in creating design schemes, preparing initial data, analyzing the obtained results, which are necessary for their further work with software systems for structures calculations during the course and for diploma design; it is especially useful to use the proposed programs for distance learning as an effective tool to organize individ-ual study.
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