
Ключові слова:

ICTs, multimedia, Internet resources, thematic websites, electronic manuals, computer programs, computer testing


The present state of information and communication technologies in teaching sociological disciplines defined promising directions of improving interaction between teacher and student through wider implementation of ICTs in the educational process. The authors elaborate on advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in teaching sociological disciplines. The paper discusses results of a sociological survey, held in Dniprovsk State Technical University with the aim to analyze the scope of ICT use in teaching. ICTs are efficiently applied in various classrooms with different content, in case professors evaluate the quality of mastering learning materials and students’ independent work. Modern lecturers of sociology widely use individual digital materials to support classes (presentations, display materials) and students' independent work (digital textbooks, assignments, tests); recommend as basic and additional sources of information various e-manuals and related sites; some digital media training applications from available collections, university repository, electronic curricula and resources from research databases. The use of the aforementioned ICTs in teaching sociology enhances cognitive activity of students, develops research skills, creative potential, promotes more efficient formation of general and specific competencies. The use of ICTs in the teaching social sciences is the evidence of competences of modern teachers.




Дані завантаження ще не доступні.

Біографії авторів

Oksana Shelomovska, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske

PhD is State Regulation, Associate Professor

Liudmyla Sorokina, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor

Maryna Romaniukha, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske

PhD in Germanic Languages, Associate Professor

Kostiantyn Bohomaz, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the department of Sociology


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Переглядів анотації: 475



Як цитувати

Shelomovska, O., Sorokina, L., Romaniukha, M., & Bohomaz, K. (2017). THE ICT POTENTIAL FOR TEACHING SOCIOLOGICAL COURSES. Електронне наукове фахове видання “ВІДКРИТЕ ОСВІТНЄ Е-СЕРЕДОВИЩЕ СУЧАСНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ”, (3), 121–129. вилучено із



Open educational e-environment of modern university