project, project method, project activity, project training, professional competence, specializationAbstract
The article considers the experience of using project-oriented training in teaching specialists in the speciality "Computer Science and Information Technologies", specializing in "Social Informatics". The essence and content of designing as an innovative method in didactics and methodology of high school are considered. It is determined that the project technology of student training should provide: firstly, the necessary and sufficient amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students with effective feedback, control and regulation at all stages of training; secondly, the conditions for the use of the methodology as a means of training; and thirdly, the consciousness and depth of the formed professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Formulated advantages and disadvantages of project-oriented training, proposed ways for problems solution. Organizational stages of projector-oriented learning and the role of each of the participants - the teacher and students are described. The structure of the project activity in the process of implementation of the interdisciplinary project in the study of masters is revealed. The relationship between the project activity and the research methods is shown. The role of project activity in providing personality-oriented training and formation of professional competencies is formulated, professional competences are formulated for each stage of the project activity; the requirements of the modern labour market to the graduate are analyzed and a list of professional competencies is given. The stages of realization of the four-semester project prolonged in the course of teaching several disciplines are shown: Social Informatics, Modern Methods of Researching Social Information, Modeling of Social Processes, ICT Management of Social Systems. It has been determined that the educational system can not completely switch to a project-oriented approach to learning, but the use of this technology in the organization has great potential in training the person of a new formation, as well as preparing students for the practical implementation of the knowledge gained. Application of project-oriented training requires the improvement of curricula and work programs, rethinking the purpose of individual students’ work.
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