


formative assessment, feedback, test, platform Moodle, massive open on-line courses (MOOC)


This article is devoted to the formative assessment problem. Theory of giving feedback as a tool of formative assessment has been discussed. Feedback for a pupil is a significantly important factor to convert traditional assessment into formative one, that forms and nourishes the learning process. The aim of this research is defined of conditions, when feedback that a pupil gets a response to his learning activity becomes an effective formative assessment tool and, thus brings as big as possible pupil’s progress. Besides, the analysis of tools that available on the MOOC (massive open on-line courses) platform to give a feedback are included in the task of this research. The author explores the formative assessment as one of the most important trends in an educational system development, gives statistics of using this term in the scientific literature with SpringerExemplar service, and identifies basic specific features of this kind of assessment in comparison to others as well. The specifics of formative assessment need tо pay close attention to a problem of giving a good quality feedback. The interpretation of the "feedback" is represented, it is given the classification that is described retrospective, prospective and introspective feedback types. There are some possibilities to plan feedback at the courses on the MOOC platforms (such as Moodle). The analyses of pupil’s responses are introduced by the scheme (the model) that helps to formalize feedback. The practical implementation of ideas connected with different types of feedback is recommended by setting and adjusting some parameters. Using the interactive and adaptive mode of testing is represented by this article and it’s given some piece of advice how to adjust the mode of comments view. The author doesn’t deal with the issue of a test content creating and the complex technology of creating of tests to a formative assessment that ones is planned to research by later.


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Author Biography

M. Zolochevska, Municipal establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy” of the Kharkiv regional council

Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, PhD (pedagogical sciences)


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How to Cite

Zolochevska, M. (2017). FEEDBACK IN TRAINING COURSES ON MOOC PLATFORMS. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, (3), 230–237.



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