intelligent information system, research interests, relational DBMS, University, teaching activities, database schema, entity subject area, language UMLAbstract
Analyzed the problems faced by the national system of higher education in the context of European integration. Presents the algorithm of creation of intelligent information system, which allows to optimize the process of integration of the existing teaching areas of the teacher of higher education with his research interests on the basis of the passport of the specialties, as well as to improve the efficiency of distribution of educational material between the teachers. On example of specialty "information technologies" the analysis of the structure of the scientific specialty Made comparative analysis of existing classifiers. Selected the most appropriate classifier from the point of view of a solved problem. Considered criteria for map scientific interests. Selected the basic entities of the analyzed subject area. Set up an information intelligent system based on the synthesis of scientific interests of the teacher and existing areas of teaching with use of the relational DBMS. As the software environment used MS Access 2010.The system integration allows you to automate the process of creating new areas of specializations at the level of University Department. As a visual description of an information resource "an intelligent system for the integration of research interests and teaching activities of the Department" was used the object-oriented language UML. Presents diagram of precedents of a system, state diagram , component diagram. An example implementation of IIS based on the direction "engineering science" with a detailed analysis of the professions included in this direction.
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