augmented reality; competence; reading competence; ICT; BlippAr; reading competence of second-gradersAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of methodical features of the use of augmented reality as a means of forming the reading competence of pupils of the second grade of primary school. The paper presents the analysis of recent research on the importance of involving schoolchildren in the reading process. It is determined that in recent years the interest of pupils in reading has significantly decreased, and this in turn has affected the overall comprehensive development of pupils. It has been scientifically proven that reading plays an important role in the formation of a personality. Thus, thanks to reading, a person's horizons expand, their vocabulary is enriched, and their speech activity improves. Recently, the latest computer and Internet technologies have had a significant impact on the lives of the younger generation. ICT has made great changes in the organization of the educational process of the school. Teachers actively use Internet resources to achieve educational goals in various subjects, including reading. A sensitive period in the formation of pupils' reading competence is the period of primary schooling. The article identifies the features of the formation of reading competence of primary school pupils on the basis of the latest computer tools, analyzes the types of augmented reality Internet services that should be used in the formation of reading competence of primary school children: SketchAR, Quiver, BlippAR and others. Criteria, indicators of formation of reading competence of second-graders are developed: perception of works of art of different genres, readability, ability to build and express the opinion, motivation to reading. Based on the certain criteria and indicators, the levels of formation of pupils' reading competence were characterized. The method of formation of reading competence of second-graders by means of augmented reality on the basis of the BlippAR Internet service is offered. The results of the study prove the effectiveness of using the Internet service of augmented reality BlippAr as a means of forming the reading competence of second-graders.
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