majoring in information, library, and archival science; augmented reality technologies; academic libraries; problem-based learning; innovation-based learning; game-based learning; project-based learning; synergistic educational modelAbstract
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the use of augmented reality technologies in the training of specialists in information, library and archival studies, who can solve specialized problems in the professional field, characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of the conditions and provide for the application of the provisions and methods of information, library and archival affairs. Work in project student groups to develop library augmented reality is a synergistic educational model that combines different pedagogical strategy: problem-based (PBL), innovative learning (IBL), project-based (PjBL), active learning (AL), deeper learning and game-based learning (GBL). The study proposes an interdisciplinary approach to teaching student librarians: a combination of applied augmented reality research for academic libraries and problem-oriented student learning, learning in the development process for innovations. The method of infographics comparative analysis was used. The article raises the issues of convergence of traditional forms of theoretical and practical training and the organization of innovative activities of students in the space of the academic library on the example of the development of AR-technologies. Peculiarities of development and implementation of augmented reality information technologies in work with documentary funds of academic libraries in the process of problem-based learning focused on innovations are determined. AR-marker technology has been intuitive for humanities students and facilitates the annotation and indexing of library documents. AR-technologies allow playfully to delve into documentary and library science aspects of creating the content of an AR document to master the skills of compiling thematic references. In the concepts of PBL and IBL, the primary emphasis is placed on the applied solution of problems and implementing innovations that meet the needs of a particular organization. This undermines the value of fundamental theoretical learning. We show the value of theoretical lecture material, on the example of the development of augmented reality for academic libraries by student librarians. We prove the importance of correlating lecture material as a starting point for student innovations to the actual needs of the academic library. The results of the research will be an impetus for implementing PBL & IBL in higher education in developing innovations by students in new learning environments (internships, information industry), such as academic libraries. Also initiate the work on implementing AR information technologies in the activities of university libraries. AR is a significant addition to the tools that university and libraries can use to engage their audiences to information literacy training. This should promote the librarianship and increase the status of the university. The students’ work with AR library technology is characterized by complexity, interdisciplinary nature, the collaboration of students of humanities and technical profiles. All this develops in students important competencies: creativity, ability to apply theory, work in a team, learn, developer responsibility, systematic thinking, involvement, focusing on innovation. The paper proposes to consider AR information technologies not only in the perspective of programming but also as a tool for PBL-AL-PjBL-GBL-IBL of student librarians, and as a subject of library and document researches (new tools of documentation). We emphasize fundamental learning and its constant testing in practice. The starting point in the development of innovations by students is the educational material, not the needs of the organization for which the innovations are developed. Because the process of innovation is a learning experience designed to show the applied power of theoretical knowledge. A multifactor model for evaluating student innovations is proposed.
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