publishing activity; rating of publishing activity; citation; scientific periodicalsAbstract
The article deals with publication activity as a part of the set of scientometric indicators used to assess national scientific potential. The international and national ratings of the publishing activity, in which the Ukrainian universities are involved, have been presented and analyzed, as well as with the help of some analytical and search tools of the scientific platform Web of Science, the publishing activity of the leading universities of the country have been studied. The dynamics of inclusion of Ukrainian higher education institutions in SCImago Institutional Ranking has been monitored and their most significant achievements have been determined by major groups of rating indicators – “Innovation”, “Social Impact” and “Research”. Identity of SCImago rating and all-Ukrainian rating has been demonstrated for Ukrainian universities. The methodology and principles of CWTS Leiden Ranking and National Taiwan University Ranking, which are based on Web of Science, have been reviewed. With input from the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Web of Science tool the publication activity of Ukrainian scientific organizations on the whole has been identified, and by means of “Result Analysis” tools the 2019 scientific periodicals have been identified where the researchers from four largest educational institutions in our country were published. It has been concluded that among Ukrainian scientists the trend towards increasing the total number of publications in periodicals with a low level of scientific influence and citation, as well as with their general misunderstanding of the importance of scientific and publication collaborations with researchers from foreign universities is still prevailing. Suggestions have been formulated to increase publication activity and to represent better the university's scientific results in international citation indices.
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