



informatization of education, innovative technologies; podcast; foreign student; Ukrainian as a foreign language; medical university


The article deals with the problem of forming a linguistic personality of foreign medical students. It appeared within the context of rapid changes in the world and national educational systems. The necessities of pedagogically motivated changes and rational introduction of various information and communication technologies into higher education have been emphasized. The problem of choosing more effective ways and innovative approaches capable of competing with the traditional methods of presenting educational information, supplementing and expanding their register has been outlined. The leading goal of such transformations is to prepare future competitive specialists in various industries, including medical. In the course of the research the necessity and the value of systematic use of innovative didactic methods and techniques, as well as modern forms of work, educational resources that will provide qualitative training of future medical specialists have been substantiated. Тhe authors of the proposed article paid their attention to the podcasting technology. They have interpreted the term “podcast”. Also, the peculiarities of podcasts serving foreign students studying the subject «Ukrainian as a Foreign Language» have been described in detail. It was proved that the motivated introduction of information and communication technologies in the courses «Ukrainian as a Foreign Language» is a way to improve the quality of non-professional preparation of foreign students. The transcript of the training podcast has been presented. This podcast can be used in practical classes in the discipline «Ukrainian as a Foreign Language» (3rd year, specialty «Medicine»). The topic of practical training is «In а Cardiology Department». In addition to this, the authors of this article have proposed the system of specifically designed assignments. They also have outlined main priority areas of the computerization of the national higher education system, defined research activities and future prospects in this field.


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Author Biographies

Tetyana Leshchenko, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor,

Heard of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Training

Maryna Zhovnir, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Philology, Lecture of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Training


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Abstract views: 307



How to Cite

Leshchenko, T., & Zhovnir, M. (2020). PODCASTING TECHNOLOGY WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION CHANGES OF FOREIGN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE EDUCATION. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, (9), 41–53. https://doi.org/10.28925/2414-0325.2020.9.4


