innovations, teaching methods, quality, vocational training, future physical education teacher, institutions of higher educationAbstract
The article is focused on the implementation of innovative teaching methods for the quality improvement of vocational training of future physical education specialists, creation of conditions for productive creative professional activities and harmonious development of the individual and provision of opportunities for the creative use of the newest teaching methods in the information and educational space of higher educational institutions. The quality of training of future physical education teachers in higher educational institutions is a system-integral unity of its procedural and productive characteristics, which is characterized by professional and personal development of future specialists who are competitive and able to understand the value-semantic context of educational activity, increase creative potential, find non-standard solutions for vocational and educational tasks as well as capable of vocational self-determination and self-realization. The article deals with the description of teaching methods: contextual, gaming, problem-based, modular, full knowledge acquisition and distance learning. Teachers have been using more frequently active and interactive methods like case-methods, brainstorming, and training as the forms of educational work. Students regularly perform practical and creative tasks; a large number of seminars are held in the form of discussions, business games and master classes. The expansion of innovative processes in the educational space of the institution of higher education has become a significant driving factor for the formation of new mechanisms for vocational training and the creation of an internal system of education quality that contains the development if innovative methods, processes and resources presented in organizational and regulatory documents, various procedures for controlling the quality of vocational training of applicants and the main activities of the institution of higher education.
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