digital storytelling, distance learning, e-learning, blended-learning, challenge, didactical communication, technologiesAbstract
Is it really different to teach in the 21st century than it was to teach in the 20th century or before? Many people saying, that the great evolution was in technologies, but teaching - is teaching and nothing more than that. Chinese says: “The history is like a crystal ball from which you can see the shadow of the future” (Fan Dainian, 2013, chapter 7). And if we look back to Aristotle and Socrates the method was "talk and talk". This was a beginning of a pedagogical approach. But, this thing was two thousands fifty hundred years ago. In the period of Renaissance new important to revolution appears. It was the blackboard and with the blackboard we have another revolution. And revolution was "talk with chalk", as a British says in a joke. But today in the 20th century, I’d say the last century, it was a new approach “talk and show” using slides, using presentations, using things like these and this was the way we used to do till the end of the 20th century. But today, in the 21st century we have in new challenge. And this challenge is talking from the cloud and digital communication. This is our challenge today: integrate all the methodologies, from Socrates up till today. And if we want to go deeper in the subject we can say that all this that happened in the seventy years, just seventy years we evolved from a room computer to tiny small computer like everyone has around. This is what is today, but as well in parallel another challenge was shown up. This was distant learning. But, distant learning did not start yesterday, didn’t started one decade ago. Distant learning started more than one hundred years ago. The contents were delivered by post and people should read them and that was the way it was about hundred years ago. But during the Second World War new challenge appears. There was no teaches to teach young boys who go to the war and skinner presented a new method and new way of teaching and learning - the teaching machine, the new methodology. But there are three stages: Open Universities, TV, Schools and video cassettes. That was a big evolution, a big technological evolution up to 1990. In 1990 we started listening about computer distributed learning, distant learning, web-learning, online learning and finally a magic words – e-learning. But, very soon we start to see that this is not enough. It was necessary a new B, it was blended learning it was a mix of presence and distance. But rather back in two or one told us that the most radical evolution is the future, it wouldn’t be E-learning. But it will be disappearing of the E and we will have only learning. This is challenge of today.
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