

cloud technologies, Google services, information and communication technologies, management of secondary school, secondary school, using Google services


The article outlines the need for the development and using of network technology in the secondary education institutions to improve the quality of the educational process, on their basis to implement the latest teaching methods that are basing on the using the modern computer means, to provide selective authorized access of administrators, teachers and students to specific network resources. The cloud technologies have advantages, as they are the way to satisfactory educational requirements for receiving new knowledge. These technologies realized through Google services in the management of secondary school in order to ensure the optimization of collection, storage, retrieval, processing and presentation of information. The authors grounded the efficiency of using Google services for making management decision (decrees, orders, recommendations, plans etc.). These services are also used for organization of execution of adopted decisions and plans, including proving solution (plan) to the executers, providing simulation management solutions, coordinating the activities of executers. They conductive to ensure the operational, current and final control, the accounting of results of activity educational institutions and participants of educational process; to enable to administration to perform analysis and estimation of institution activity, its efficiency. The article shows the example of using Google services in management activity of administration such as for the planning – calendar or mail, for the organization – disk, for the coordination – mail, Hangouts, for the accounting – disk, for the analysis – form. These basic Google services give enable in the educational process and management to use Web-based applications, e-journals and students electronic diaries, on-line services for educational process, the system of distance learning, joint access to development and work with documents, carrying out the video conferencing so on. The article offers the algorithm of realization of management process in the secondary school with using Google services. The stages of this algorithm are the creation events, invitations colleagues, confirmation of participation, to give access, monitoring of participation, analysis of realized event, reflection and lighting events, planning further activity, further communication and cooperation. It is defined the necessary conditions of technical support to use cloud technologies such as Internet, computer, browser, skills in Internet working and Web application.




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Author Biographies

Valentyna Gladkova, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of management department

Alla Panchenko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD of Public Administration,

Assistant professor of management department

Ganna Panchenko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Teacher of management department


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How to Cite

Gladkova, V., Panchenko, A., & Panchenko, G. (2017). USING GOOGLE SERVICES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOL. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, (3), 337–344. Retrieved from



ICT in economics and management