



teamwork, soft skills, learning computer science, role play, social competence, leadership, motivation


The analysis of the research results based on the use of the role-playing game "IT Company" among pupils of the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades of Chernivtsi Lyceum No. 17 "Success" of the Chernivtsi City Council has been conducted. The study aims to investigate the impact of role-playing games on increasing pupils cognitive interest in computer science classes, developing their social competencies and soft skills, enhancing teamwork and leadership qualities, and improving the practical skills acquired by pupils during the year of study. The following methods of pedagogical research were applied: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature on the formation of social competence in schoolchildren; interviews with pupils, observation, and surveys; a pedagogical experiment was proposed to identify and test the effectiveness of using role-playing games in computer science classes to develop pupils social competence; methods of mathematical statistics were applied - for quantitative analysis of empirical data to confirm the effectiveness of experimental work. The findings indicate a significant pedagogical potential of gaming technologies in teaching computer science and the importance of using role-playing games in the educational process as a means of stimulating active student participation in learning, forming their social skills, and increasing cognitive interest. Criteria and levels of social competence formation have been identified. Recommendations and rules for teachers planning to use role-playing games in the educational process have also been determined. Requirements and challenges that teachers may face when using role-playing games in lessons, motivational aspects, and features of student behavior are specified, as well as examples of specific game elements that can be implemented to achieve better results.


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How to Cite

Olefirenko, N., & Dobrunov, O. (2024). EXPERIENCE IN USING ROLE GAMES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL COMPETENCE OF SCHOOL PUPILS. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, (16), 120–133. https://doi.org/10.28925/2414-0325.2024.169


