



computer test; electronic test; gamification; students; university


The article deals with peculiarities of modern electronic tests in the gamification discourse. Gamification allows teachers to motivate students and use effective approaches to the organization of the educational process. As a result of the study it was clarified that electronic tests have a number of advantages over paper tests, in particular, this is the presence of a larger number of test options offered to students; automatic check and scoring; convenience of passing the test for students; unlimited possibilities for the teacher to make amendments, changes and additions to electronic tests, etc. More than half of the respondents pointed out the importance of paper saving and the corresponding conservation of forests in the modern world. This indicates the development of students' environmental awareness. It was noted that the majority of respondents pass an electronic test more easily and comfortably, and, on the contrary, have a more serious attitude to a paper test. The advantages of using electronic tests in the eLearning system of Sumy State University are the availability of convenient templates for creating basic types of tests and their editing; automatic calculation by the system of students’ tests results; automatic change of the question and answer sequence options with each new test passing; ensuring the availability of tests or other educational materials for students; ability to use mobile devices for passing tests. The article defines the elements of gamification in electronic tests, among which there are clear rules for passing the test, which students should follow; test results appear on a computer or smartphone screen; there are elements of competition between students taking the test. The influence of modern technical means on gamification of the learning process was noted, in particular, almost a third of respondents noted that passing an electronic test would be more like a game when passing a test on a smartphone.


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Author Biography

Yaroslav Yanenko, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine

PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Philology


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How to Cite

Yanenko, Y. (2020). ELECTRONIC TESTS IN GAMIFICATION DISCOURSE. Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, (9), 193–207. https://doi.org/10.28925/2414-0325.2020.9.16


