multimedia technologies, physical activity, physical education, senior preschoolersAbstract
The article analyzes psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of optimization of the preschool children’s motor activity. It is noted that movements are just as necessary for the normal growth and development of a child as good nutrition. Physical exercise does not only develop and strengthen a child’s body, prevents various diseases, but also is one of the effective means of treating and restoring a child's strength after illness. Based on the analysis of modern scientific and methodological literature, it is found that a considerable part of the studies in the field of physical education is devoted to the creation of recommendations for physical exercises of schoolchildren and other segments of the population on the basis of computer technologies, control systems, assessment and accumulation of information on the physical fitness level and health status. It is established that the use of multimedia technology in the process of carrying out physical and health measures in the institution of preschool education helps to optimize the motor activity of preschool children. The specifics of the multimedia presentations usage in work with preschool children are characterized. It is noted that multimedia technologies allow solving the problem of finding and storing information, planning, controlling and managing physical education, diagnostics of health status and of children’s physical fitness level. The author notes that the presentation can also be used to explain to children the rules of sports games, tactical actions of players, vividly present historical events, biographies of athletes. It is noted that the creation of flash presentations and videos with complexes of developmental exercises is appropriate to use during the morning gymnastics. The use of multimedia educational tools allows to visualize clearly the spatial characteristics of movements, to calculate with high accuracy the kinematic parameters of the motor actions performing technique in the playing activities, which is of particular importance in the development of children’s spatial orientation. It is noted that the priority area in the work of each pre-school educational establishment is to improve the quality of education through the use of innovative technologies in physical education classes, in particular optimization of physical activity. The prospects for further research in this area, the need to use multimedia technologies in the process of preparing future caregivers for the implementation of the tasks in physical education of preschool children in the context of distance education which include the need to find and develop of science-based information and communication technologies in the preschoolers’ physical education are specified.
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