digital applications; cloud services; IT technologies; primary school teacher; vocational pedagogical training; web technologiesAbstract
The article deals with the problems of professional and pedagogical education, in particular the question of using web-technologies in the process of psychological and pedagogical preparation of future primary school teachers. The author describes a number of topical problems that can be solved by introducing elements of a blended learning system using cloud technologies (providing access to various educational resources; intensifying the system of professional and pedagogical education; developing the student's creative and intellectual abilities by means of cloud technologies; communicative activities based on common educational and professional interests etc.). The article presents the results of an online questionnaire of students in the specialty "Primary education" to determine the degree of using the web-applications in the process of psychological and pedagogical training and their dimension of interest in using cloud technologies in future professional activity. The basic directions of improvement in psychological and pedagogical preparation of future primary school teachers with using web-technologies (combination of traditional and online learning; using the web-quests, Google-services, E-textbooks, multimedia presentations, etc. ; development of critical and creative thinking, cognitive motivation; optimization of independent work at the expense of mobility, flexibility and availability of cloud services; constant professional growth of academic in order to master high the level of digital literacy) were characterized. The ways of introduction the cloud services in the educational process of high school (Google Sites, Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Charts, Canva, Piktochart, Scratch) were highlighted. The system of principles of effective organization the psychological and pedagogical training of future primary school teachers with help of web-technologies were considered.
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