competence, digital competence, digital literacy, Information TechnologyAbstract
Abstract. In the article digital competence, one of the main components of professional competence of future teachers, is considered. Different approaches of determining the digital competency of future specialists and terminology, used in modern scientific literature to determine the concept of digital competency, have been studied. The analysis of recent scientific work of the proposed problem was carried out. Concepts "competence" and "computer competence" are defined. To integrate with the international educational space, the definition of "digital competence" is appliesd The author substantiates the essence of the concept of "digital competence", defines the components of "digital competence" of future teachers and outlines directions of its development. European standards, which are an important tool for increasing the level of digital competence of specialists in the field of education for identifying digital competences, are analyzed. One of the objectives of the study was to analyze the project of the European Commission “The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens” (DigComp), which is an important tool for increasing the digital competence of specialists in education, training and advanced training. The article defines the definition of digital competence by the European Commission, which defines this competence as one of the key competences for learning through life and is interpreted as a sure, critical and responsible use and interaction with digital technologies for learning, professional activity (work), and participation in society. The article highlights the digital competency standards of the European network of EUROPASS, which include information management, cooperation, communication, content, knowledge, ethics, responsibility, assessment, problem solving and technical operations.
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