aesthetictherapy, vocational and pedagogical training, information environment, information and communication competence, digital technology, phototherapyAbstract
The article actualizes the problems of professional pedagogical education, in particular, the problem of using the information and communication technologies in the process of mastering students of pedagogical universities the phototherapeutic technologies. The author identifies the main functions of phototherapy in the conditions of the modern information environment (transfer of thoughts and memories, expansion of social connections, improvement of skills of self-understanding and self-expression, provision of role development and transformation, construction of socio-psychological identity) on the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. Solved the content and features of the process of using various phototherapeutic technologies ("work with polarities", "creation of a portrait", "conversation", "photodiary" etc.) in the process of the future teachers professional training. Highlighted the main tasks of the implementation of phototherapy: actualization of emotional development, enhancement of educational motivation, development of digital competence and skills of interpersonal interaction, creative self-expression and others. The article presents the results of the questionnaire for students of the specialties "Primary Education", "Preschool Education", "Choreographic Education" and "Social Work" on the needs of phototherapy using digital technologies in the modern educational environment of pedagogical higher establishment. Characterized the ways of implementation the phototherapeutic technologies with the help of digital applications (Adobe Photoshop, Canva, Corel Photo-Paint, CorelDRAW, Google Drive, Google Slides, Prezi, Live Picture, PowerPoint, Quik etc). Considered the possibilities of using virtual social services for the purpose of effective organization of the educational process, outlined the ways of application of virtual social services for the development of phototherapeutic competence of future teachers.
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