seminar, workshop, platform Moodle, tuning parameters, the element of a distant course, feedbackAbstract
This article is dedicated to the problem of finding new teaching methods and activities for a student. Nowadays this issue is topical because traditional lectures, practices, and seminars need refreshing by implementing the innovative technology. The seminar is defined as a kind of practical class at university which implies independent research work. Students fulfill given tasks visually representing the material in the form of a summary, report, message, etc. The author’s idea comes from an item that teacher should take in consideration two vectors of skill development in the process of seminar modeling. They are specific skills in the special-topic sphere (math skills, etc.) and general independent researchers’ skills. The aim of our research is to create a procedure of conducting a modern seminar based on the platform Moodle. Moodle has been chosen as an open-source learning platform for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) with a significantly enormous potential. The element named ‘Workshop’ can be created on this platform by setting some parameters by teachers. The most important thing is that an author takes into consideration a teacher’s goals and gives an efficient algorithm to adjust necessary parameters to particular goals. This procedure includes 4 phases, such as a setup phase, submission phase, assessment phase and grading evaluation. The main part of this article contains a lot of tips how to provide every phase with instructions, forms, criteria. The author doesn’t deal with using of other active Moodle-elements which ones are planned to be researched later.
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